
The SOG-IS agreement was produced in response to the EU Council Decision of March 31st 1992 (92/242/EEC) in the field of security of information systems, and the subsequent Council recommendation of April 7th (1995/144/EC) on common information technology security evaluation criteria.

The agreement was updated in January 2010 and the full text can be downloaded in the section "Agreement" of the Web site. Participants in this Agreement are government organisations or government agencies from countries of the European Union or EFTA (European Free Trade Association), representing their country or countries. As of June 2017, the national bodies participating in the agreement are:

at Austria, Bundeskanzleramt
be Belgium, Centre for Cyber Security Belgium
cr Croatia, Information Systems Security Bureau
dk Denmark, CFCS - Center for Cyber Security
fr Estonia, RIA - Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet
fi Finland, FICORA - Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority
fr France, ANSSI - Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information
de Germany, BSI - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
it Italy, OCSI - Organismo di Certificazione della Sicurezza Informatica
nl The Netherlands , NLNCSA - Netherlands National Communications Security Agency, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
fr Luxembourg, - Agence Nationale de la Sécurite des Systèmes d'Information Luxembourg
no Norway, SERTIT - Norwegian National Security Authority operates the Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security
no Poland, NASK - Naukowa i Akademicka Siec Komputerowa
sk Slovakia, NBÚ - Národný bezpečnostný úrad
es Spain, CCN - Centro Criptológico Nacional, Organismo de Certificación de la Seguridad de las Tecnologías de la Información
se Sweden, FMV - Försvarets Materielverk
uk United Kingdom, NCSC - National Cyber Security Centre

The participants work together to:

The agreement provides for member nations to participate in two fundamental ways:

  1. As certificate consuming participants and
  2. As certificate producers

For certificate producing nations there are also two levels of recognition within the agreement:

  1. Certificate recognition up to EAL4 (as in CCRA)
  2. Certificate recognition at higher levels for defined technical areas when schemes have been approved by the management committee for this level.

Rationale for the updated SOG-IS Agreement

The original agreement signed in 1997 (updated to incorporate the use of Common Criteria in 1999) was updated in 2010 for two reasons; firstly to provide a robust mechanism allowing new schemes to take part as certificate producers and, secondly, to limit the higher levels of recognition to agreed technical domains where adequate agreement around evaluation methodology, laboratory requirements, attack methods etc. are in place.

Further Information

The following pages provide more detail. Contact with the group can also be made through any of the participating schemes.


February 2018 Statement of the SOG-IS Management Committee on the relation between the SOG-IS Agreement and the European Certification Framework that is under negotiation at the EU Commission.


If you have questions regarding the SOG-IS MRA or its website, please contact one of the participants (see participants point of contact list).